My cousin Lisa complimented Lucas on his gecko camo hoodie at Easter. Sweet Mama's boy that he is, he told her "Thank you, Mommy made it for me". She thought it was adorable, so I said I'd make a hoodie for her DS, Adam, who is 2.5 years old. Adam's a Thomas freak, so of course he gets Thomas the Tank Engine. My other cousin, Melanie, who is Lisa's sister, has a DS named Alex who is also 2.5, so I coudn't leave him out (especially since both boys go to daycare together). I wanted Alex's to be a surprise to his mom, who loved the Tigger jacket I made him for his 1st bday, so I had to guess at what to use for his, and ended up with Nemo fleece. It's darned hard to find good fleece in May, you know! I did end up fussy-cutting the "roo" pockets for them. I screwed up on Thomas though, I'd fussy cut it so Thomas would be front and center, only to find that I'd cut him BACK and center. Oh well. Also used some cute dinosaur ribbon that I bought from a sewingmama friend, cut it, and folded to use as a side tag. Not sure you can really see them in the pics though. Anyway, Lisa asked me to make a 4T for the boys so they could wear them for a while, so Lucas is modeling them. They will be gifted to the boys on the 20th, at a family party. :)
PS Lucas is mad at me in the 2nd pic b/c he'd just heard that neither of the hoodies were for him!! Poor kid, you'd think I never sewed for him or something!
Edited 5/20: I gifted the hoodies to Adam and Alex today, here's a pic of them modeling.
Alex in Nemo, Adam in Thomas. They both really liked them. :)
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