Friday, October 31, 2003

Halloween, 2003

For Halloween, Dillon decided that he should be a magician, and that Lucas should be his White Rabbit. Thank goodness, I got off easy! I don't seem to have a shot of Dillon is his costume on this computer, but here's what I do have:

That's his magician cape, and a store-bought hat. He wore a black turtleneck and dark pants, and we painted a dowel rod with poster paint to be his magic wand.

Monday, March 10, 2003

Sarah's Coffee Quilt

For my sister Sarah's 22nd birthday, I made her a wall-quilt from fabrics that reminded me so much of her. It's about 30ish inches square, and it now hangs on the back of her bedroom door.

Close-up of one of the blocks.

The center, and my lame attempt at applique.