Saturday, November 16, 2002


I've gotten sucked into the world of easy sewing. That is, once I learn a pattern, I like to make it over and over again. So in the next few entries, you'll see loads and loads of the same thing: Flannel pants! I've made at least six pairs for each of the boys, some pairs for a friend and her kids for Christmas, and I even made one out of fleece for the little girl next door who Dillon is friends with.

Here's the first ones I made, from sports ball flannel, both boys have the same ones, and we call them "matchy-matchies", because they match, lol.

And goofing around during our "photo shoot":

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Lucas's jacket

Taking a break from the flannel pants now. Here's a jacket I made for Lucas. I actually cut up a houndstooth fleece blanket of Dillon's to make it, just because I wasn't sure how it would turn out, and I didn't want to "waste" any of my expensive fleece. It turned out well enough that Lucas wore it until it got cold enough outside for heavier coats, and Dillon didn't even care about the blanket. :)

Sorry, no modeling shots on this one, he never held still long enough for me to catch him!

Saturday, March 16, 2002

The M&M pillow

I whipped this pillow up for Dillon one snowy afternoon. I don't recall what I made it from, or why I'd made it, but he loves it and it's still around here somewhere.